
Today’s network infrastructure is synonymous to the field of Aviation where security is the leading challenge. The skies are busy with large to small aircrafts that are operated as commercial, private aircrafts, with a vast increase of drones, military helicopters and news media helicopters. Technology network infrastructure vulnerabilities are no less a challenge with the vast increase of people accessing data across the Internet using varied devices.

People are not clever enough to effectively protect their assets because of the crave for an easy access to their resources, these tendencies open the gateway for unauthorized privileges to become an option for people seeking to get a hold of your personal and sensitive information. Hackers are aware that people are the access-point to any network, and their intelligence suggests that people have the key and they are vulnerable with safeguarding such entry data.


Trust no one, not even your end users: That’s the underlying theme of a new security model proposed by Forrester Research this week called “Zero Trust,” which calls for enterprises to inspect all network traffic, from the outside and on the inside. John Kindervag, senior analyst with Forrester, says the current trust model in security is broken and the only way to fix it is to get rid of the idea of the trusted internal network and the untrusted external network. Instead consider all network traffic untrusted, he says. “Times have changed. You can’t think about trusted and untrusted users” anymore, says Kindervag, who gave more details on the model at Forrester’s Security Forum.


Today, organizations need to be able to provide secure access to their resources regardless of user or application environment. Before we allow access, we want to assess a user’s location, their role in the organization, the health of their device, the type of service and classification of the data they’re requesting access to, and more. To do this effectively, we need to use signal and automated policy enforcement to deliver the right balance between security and optimal user experience.

A Zero Trust security model relies on automated enforcement of security policy to ensure compliant access decisions throughout the digital estate. The framework of controls built into your security solutions and tools enables your organization to fine-tune access policies with contextual user, device, application, location, and session risk information to better control how users access corporate resources and backend resources communicate. These policies are used to decide whether to allow access, deny access, or control access with additional authentication challenges (such as multi-factor authentication), terms of use, or access restrictions.