Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery is a real problem. Many types of disasters, whether natural or caused by people, can disrupt your organization’s operations for lengthy periods. Such disasters are unlike the previously discussed threats to your computer systems and networks because the events that cause the disruption are not specifically aimed at your organization. Regardless of the source, there are many threats that may disrupt operations, including industrial espionage, hacking, attacks from disgruntled employees, and insider threats, which must all be considered important in planning for disaster recovery.

How long your organization’s operations are disrupted depends in part on how prepared it is for a disaster and what plans are in place to mitigate the effects of a disaster. Any of these events could cause a disruption in operations: Fire Electrical storm gas leak/explosion hurricane blizzard war tornado political unrest/riot terrorism flood earthquake and chemical spills

Disaster Recovery Plan

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) No matter what the event is that you are worried about-whether. Natural or not, targeted at your organization or not-there are certain preparations that can make the impact on your organization and the length of time your organization will out of operation. A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is critical for effective disaster recovery efforts. A DRP defines the data and resources necessary and the steps to take in order to restore critical organizational processes.

Business Continuity Plans

Business Continuity Plan (BCP). You might wonder what the difference between a DRP and a BCP-after all, isn’t the purpose of the DRP the continued operation of the organization or business? In reality, these two terms are sometimes used synonymously, and for many organizations, there may be no major difference in the two. There are, however, differences between a BCP and a DRP, one of which is the focus. The focus of business continuity planning is the continued operation of the Business Organization. The focus of a disaster recovery plan is also on continued operation, in the lace of a disaster. In a DRP, the protection of human life should be addressed and is a major focus of the document. Evacuation plans and system shutdown procedures should be addressed. The safety of employees should be a theme throughout