
Load Balancing. While Server Load Balancing (SLB) could mean many things, for the most part, it is defined as a process and technology that distributes site traffic among several servers using a network-based device. This device intercepts traffic destined for a site and redirects that traffic to various servers. Website demands can be difficult in peak hours when many people are trying to access resources from your website so creating a strategy where information is available to customers is not an option but a business continuity strategy. The load-balancing process is completely conducive to the end-user, even though they may not see the configurative process behind a single server operation.

Developing an IT infrastructure is essential for today’ industry. In order to competently deliver IT solutions and services the infrastructure must implement right tools to support end user experience, partners and customers. An IT infrastructure is comprised of all the components that play a role in IT enabled functions.

Load Balancing is one of those tools business needs to be productive as the business interest grows, and must be strategized including hardware, software, services, and network resources. Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers. This ensures no single server bears too much demand. By spreading the work evenly, load balancing improves application responsiveness. It also increases the availability of applications and websites for users

Load balancing lets you evenly distribute network traffic to prevent failure caused by overloading a particular resource. This strategy improves the performance and availability of applications, websites, databases, and other computing resources. It also helps process user requests quickly and accurately.

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